I picked up a nice selection of vintage pin-back buttons this Thursday morning at the flea market. I rarely find so many buttons that I like at once! The guy selling them commented that he was surprised that he had made more money selling them that day than anything else. I can only imagine the pins that had sold earlier. He was selling them at 3 for a dollar, so he probably sold a bunch before I got to them. I looked through well over 400 of them, and these are the ones I bought.

"I'm with stupid" a classic, in two sizes
"Yeech" I'm always attracted to pins that express total dissatisfaction!
"Computers for people" Yes, I am a Atari 2600 nerd
"Eato Bandito" A strange button for a pizza parlour (!?) I don't really get the Bandito/Italian food connection. I love the artwork, and that it may be somehow, someway connection to Frito Bandito.
"Here it is" This is my favorite one of the bunch. I really has everything. I have no idea as to what the message be communicated here is and that is why I love it so much!
"I'll bleed" A great WTF button
"Sesame street kid"
"This is my Zap button" From the awesome 60's underground comix ZAP!"
"Blow a mind today"
"I (Heart) Chuck E. Cheese's"
"Ask me almost anything" A funny take on the "Ask me about" advertising slogan. A great button for a know-it-all like me!
"Mod is up" I think this is like "Mod is in"
"Omega symbol" Reminds me of the Process Church!
I (heart) McDonald's
"Shut down or melt down" I got this one for the weird graphics, and later realized that it's a "no nukes" button. I love 70's "no nukes thing.
"Let's raise hell together" Devils Jean Company?
"See no evil" have no fun.
"I love Mike" Tiny Mike Nesmith of The Monkees pin.
"Iran Sucks" These were all over when I was a kid, as bumper stickers, and t-shirts as well.
"Love those lungs" I love these lung people!
"I'm a good kid"
"Able to love" I'm seeing pink elephants!
"Girls wanted"
"Genghis Kahn was a sissy" Classic 60's Mad Magazine style "history humor"
"Smile" Another favorite!
"The Devil made me do it" Shades of Lucky Strike
"Legalize Brown Rice"
"Career Streaker" There's nothing like someone running full speed and nude to freak out the squares!